How can I improve my focus and productivity?

focus & productivity

Ever find yourself ticking off Monday's to-do list on a Friday? Stay on task with our top picks of articles, products and services to reclaim your productivity.

focus & productivity

Why is it so hard to pay attention?

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a good chunk of your day with your mind… elsewhere.

In a world where we are bombarded with countless information and seemingly constant distraction, you may be left wondering (in between your group chats and thinking ‘what’s for dinner tonight’) why is it just so hard to focus?

The good news is that there are simple strategies you can put in place to stay on task, keep focused, be more productive and just get stuff done.

A woman sits in a cafe with a coffee pot, coffee mug, glasses, documents, pen and laptop at her desk. She is leaned forward looking at her laptop with the palm of her hand resting across her forehead. She looks stressed.

shop products for focus and concentration

How to stay focused and be more productive

Before we jump in, there are some things we need to clear up. Being productive is not about being ‘busy’. And (sadly) it doesn’t just happen.

Productivity happens when we focus. Specifically, when we focus on what’s important to get the job done. Here are 3 ways to go about it.

remove distractions

Number one, eliminate distractions as much as you can. Turning off notifications on your phone, moving to a quiet area or asking those around you not to disturb you are simple things you can do.

remove distractions

take regular breaks

Productivity doesn’t mean you are ‘on’ all the time. Set ‘focus’ time and ‘free’ time to ensure you are recharging your batteries.

take regular breaks

say no to multitasking

Did you know that multitasking reduces productivity by 40%? Instead of trying to do all the things at once, switch to single-tasking which will help you stay focused and more productive.

say no to multitasking

focus and productivity reads

Brain food vs superfood: what's the difference?

Brain food vs superfood: what's the difference?

The terms 'brain food' and 'superfood' are often used interchangeably – but there's a key difference. Accredited Dietitian Shivaun Conn explains.

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Boost your work-from-home productivity with this checklist

Boost your work-from-home productivity with this checklist

If you’re spending more of your workday staring at the fridge than your computer, ask yourself these 6 questions.

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8 productivity tips to work smarter, not harder, and decimate your to-do list

8 productivity tips to work smarter, not harder, and decimate your to-do list

There’s an immense pressure to perform – in work, life and in your family – to get through your to-do list. Here are some tips that will help you to make that happen.

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What is meditation and what are the benefits?

What is meditation and what are the benefits?

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Why does decluttering feel so good?

Why does decluttering feel so good?

The rise in popularity of cleaning, organising and decluttering media is hard to miss. So why have we embraced it?

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How to use a planner to keep your life organised

How to use a planner to keep your life organised

Struggling to keep all your balls in the air at the same time? The answer to your ball-juggling woes could be a planner. And it’s probably easier to get started with a work-life balance planner than you think! Here’s how…

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master mindfulness

Being more mindful can help you stay present and in the moment and put an end to those short mental vacations that interrupt your day. Reclaim your focus with simple tips to master mindfulness in this short program.

master mindfulness

Book your next appointment to help you stay on track


Not only will deep yogic breaths help to clear your head, but it’s thought that yoga can help improve cognition.



For times when you need to relax to refocus, a massage can help reduce stress which is key when you need to resharpen your mind.


This is for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. If you have any concerns or questions about your health you should consult with a health professional.